Pre-made sections

Pre-Made sections free

Piou No need to create every single sections . Useful pre-made sections are give you quick creations options .Select any section suited to your web page Add them .

Free templates

Pious Free templates are design  for every aspect  of website creation. Specially when it's comes to SEO . So you can publish the site . All templates are free to use . 

Free =Pictures

Media -free picture .

No more worries oc copyright issues You can use free pictures .Thausand of pictures available to use . Further Comes with full editing features 

Add pages as you wanted 

Add page such as service page ,contact us page and etc . Plus you can setup seo for each page .Please fallow to learn more about full details of adding pages to your website l

Site Setting 

Site setting allows to add site name ,Favicon and page title .  It's more importand when its comes to seo .So search engines gives more value for this features. 

Design features allows to add font and background colour of the website .so when you starting to edting site sitebulder choiced perticulat font and cour for your website . 

Hiring web designer would be expensive and you would need to wait for months and the results might be disappointing.

With our site builder you can use visual editor to create, preview and publish website with ease.

We are strongly believe you would be enjoy creating website with Keasites. So let’s create your website together.

Free templates

You can choose any template to create website or choose pre-made sections that can be edited easily and publish it with one click.

Features to enhance your website

Site builder has many pre-made widgets and tools. Have it a go and tryout our builder.

Best help and support

We believe you will enjoy creating website with our site builder but please contact us if you need any help.

Template gallery

Choose your design


Create your website without web design skill.

It’s easy and effordable.

Build your online presence

Our website builder give you full freedom to change anything as you like. Add pages, text, picture, video social media and much more

Mobile friendly site experince

Create your website friendly for any mobile device. Which mean there is no need for separate mobile site. Site will fit in all mobile devices.

Personal to business

Whether you want to create personal site, blog, small business, services or online cv, it’s all covered by our site builder. Your imagination is only limit.